Tuesday, December 1, 2009


why is it okay for females to show emotion but when i guy does it he's considered "soft" or a "bitch nigga" ?

mainly because males are only supposed to show emotions that are perceived to be masculine & strong. i.e : anger , or any emotion that branches from that.
but news flash , WE HAVE FEELING'S too. we have emotions too & should be able to show them & express ourselves without being looked at as being weak. the majority of males will react to any situation with anger because it's the only choice he has. he can't be sad or hurt , society won't allow it. so he has to cover it up with hatred , anger , frustration , or put on a nonchalant front.
look at all of our past presidents , all men of course. society doesn't trust a female to be the head of the country because people feel they will base decisions off of emotions & not logic. although that may be true , it may not be half bad. i believe our country would be a lot more peaceful & we wouldn't be in the middle of a war right now.
my point is simply this , males have emotions also & we should be treated as such. we aren't rocks , our hearts beat the same as females do. keep that in mind when you make a decision or speak. don't just think "he won't care anyway" because we do , maybe more than you & sometimes more than you know.

C A S S.

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