Tuesday, December 1, 2009

"..even if it means biting the bullet n lying."

so i was talking to the big homie today about his & my relationship. just tryna get some insight cause we're in similar situations .. & i was told something i've been told before & already knew. "females are always right." lol .. so many people have tried to express this to me throughout my life but i never wanted to listen .. simply because i believe , right is right & wrong is wrong. if you're wrong , you need to be made aware of that. but what people keep telling me is that in order to make your relationship work & keep everybody happy , you have to lie. lol .. sounds bad but it's the truth. do whatever you have to do to make it work , lie to her & tell her she's right. that's what females want to hear. apologize , even if you don't mean it if that's what it takes. there's a difference between being dishonest & doing whatever it takes to make it work .. you just have to find that fine line & decide for yourself if it's worth "biting the bullet" ..

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