Sunday, September 13, 2009

.. R E L A T i O N S H i P S ..

hello bloggin world .
it's Cass as you already know .. i'm back on my blog shit , AGAiN lol .
i gotta be more consistent , i realize that & i'm gonna work on it .
lemme get into the topic at hand though ;
muhfukkin RELATiONSHiPS ;
first off , i'm not trying to come off as if i know every & anything there is to know about being in a monogamous relationship .. i'm just a 19 year old doode with a lil experience who wants to express his views ; now-a-days , i feel as if the majority of couples are wrapped up in a lot of , how shall i say it , "fukkery" . their focus is misguided & their relationships are built up around a lie almost . the media has portrayed a "good/healthy" relationship around false truths . every relationship doesn't run smoothly , as cliche as that sounds . these lovey dovey , semi-perfect emotional bonds .. it rarely works that way in this thing we call life .. everyone seems as if they're planning for the future so much that they lose sight of the present .. & consequently , lose each other in a relationship that could have potentially been a prosperous one . & when it's all said & done , what did you leave the relationship with ? ; some good sex , couple decent memories , & a lesson learned if you're smart . was it really worth it ? i highly doubt it .
that empty feeling that leaves you dwelling in despair at night while you try to rest & hopefully sleep the pain away .. that's if you actually cared & put any type of effort into thee relationship to make it work even in the slightest bit ;; & thee L O V E word is thrown around so loosely it seems . maybe it's just thee infatuation with how one makes you feel , or the sex that has your emotions in a flurry every time you think of your significant other .. or the feeling you get when you see their name in your phone . how after an argument all you wanna do is send a txt saying you're sorry although you weren't in the wrong just to get back to your love high .. putting your pride aside for the sake of seeing them happy because their happiness means more than yours .. somehow this turned into a blogg about love , yet i don't feel as i digressed . because shouldn't a relationship be based on love & the deeper more sincere emotions ? not the money , or the expensive dates & gifts , or how "cute" y'all look together . more so based on the the time you spent locked in your room in complete serenity .. so quiet you can almost hear what she's thinking , as you listen to each breath she takes as her heart beats with yours ..
D A M N ;
i want that .. something real all the way through , not these fake , momentary connections that you know won't make it through the end of the month .
when i find that , or shall i say when i find her , umma hold on with everything i have , & even after i have nothing to give .. i'll continue to give her my all ;
yoo , my lil blasian ninja inspired this A LOT . she deep yo , real shit lol . not just ya typical , pretty , "exotic" looking female . shid , she even surprised me o.O that rarely happens .
-C A S S .

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