Wednesday, April 15, 2009

straight chica , gay nigga .. ; CASS & BLAZE random moment .

so me & my nigga beez was riding yesterday morning , & the question arose ; "would youu fukk wit' a chica who messed wit' a gay nigga ?"
& i thought about it for like .7 seconds & replied "fukk no nigga , that's ratchet ."
& it really is , on some many different levels ; peep em' .
LEVEL 1 ; my nigga , if youu poke that , youu've fukked every gay nigga he's fukked wit' & every gay nigga they've fukked wit' too & so on & so forth .. RATCHET .
LEVEL 2 ; what kinda chica is she too fukk wit' a fudgepacker ? or a nigga who packs fudge , feel me ? .. like , think about what other herendous , over the top , oober nasty , past the point of just freaky , shit she's done .. RATCHET .
LEVEL 3 ; what kinda guy are too stoop as low as that ? i could see if youu didn't know , but if youu're well aware of this , wtf ? gtfoh .. RATCHET .
LEVEL 4 ; this is the most hurt reason of them all .. after your encounter wit' her , YOUU COULD POTENTiALLY HAVE HiV OR AiDS for that matter . how could youu look past that just for some poon doode ? .. RATCHET .
niggas out here needa get it together lol . shit like this really happens & that's shitty in itself .
--it's CASS .


  1. lmfaooooo fudgepucker's ahahahaahahahahh ! Funny shit bro !

  2. bahahahahaha.... nigga you hell!
