Thursday, April 30, 2009

my florida visit ;

me & bro right here at whataburger ; GONE !

me , bro , kola , & j.shu . whataburger

me & dizz ; i really don't remember where we were going in this picture .
bro had to go do sum' .. just riding though !
enjoying life .

lmao ! booooyyy was i GONE .
pic turned out aight though .
laura said i look like Jamin though . =0
gtfoh .

ahaaa , ft. walton , Fl .
after i had some BOMB ass BBQ .
SHEEEEESSH ; i had the itis sum' serious .


overall my trip to Fl was pretty bomb . lil or no complaints .
got to chill with bro & my niggas .. me & bro chilled sum' serious .
like , wake up in the afternoon & not do shit the WHOLE day .
then there was days where niggas were busy the whole day & couldn't
wait to get home & get some sleep .
we don't smoke , but we did have "high guy" tendencies . lmao

& we paid for nada , it was ALL free .

iKNOW , shame on us , huh ? pssshhhh , gtfoh . gotta live life , only got one .

umma make another blog about my visit another time , there's too much shit that went down .

just know it was poppin' ! =D

--it's CASS .

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