Sunday, March 29, 2009

.. the advancement of CASS ;

soooo .. i feel as if everyday we should try to better ourselves , or at least i want to . & i feel as if i've taken a lot of days off during my life when it comes to that .. & i'm somewhat disappointed in myself in that regard . if i don't wanna better & help myself , why will anyone else ? .. i should wanna be the best at any & everything i do , being complacent with this level of mediocrity that i pretend to be content with is not the move .. everyday should be a different grind or task to conquer & that's what i'm on everyday faithfully how i should be .. everybody wants to be successful but little are willing to work for it but i refuse to settle any longer .. i'm grindin' !

"transistionin' from fittin' in to standin' out"
--it's CASS .

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