Wednesday, November 4, 2009

goodbye FL , hello GA ..

soooo , last night i made the short quest back from FL to GA. it was a quick & pleasant drive. i was on the phone with my Lady the whole time .. well until the end , she started to get tired. BUT she kept me company til i arrived home safely. :) shoutout to her. ; back to the matter at hand .. am i gonna miss FL ? not really. i'm gonna miss my peoples there though. i feel like me moving back here is better for me & will allow me to better myself as a person. although i enjoyed being in FL & it was a great learning experience .. i realized that pkola was a dead end , as a city that is. with our economy how it is right now , it's hard to prosper in a small city. i.e : limited job opportunities. that was the major dilemma me & bro faced -trying to find employment. it got to the point where we just gave up in a sense -a person can only take so much. but now we're back to it , & on the come up still .. i'd be lying if i said i didn't see greatness in both our futures. & wherever life decides to take us , i'm ready. i'll keep y'all updated on the come up progression.